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Huaxiasanlu Road, Pudong New Dictrict, Shanghai, China.
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Huaxiasanlu Road, Pudong New Dictrict, Shanghai, China.
дробилке hammel 750 d dk 99+ нравится ; 99+ Комментарии; HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik GmbH Primary Shredders HAMMEL primary shredder 750: Applications: Wood: waste wood, demolition wood, root stems, green waste, railway sleeper, pallets, cable drums: Waste: domestic waste, CVB 750 DK # 1107 extra power VB 750 D # 1069 Built: April / 2019 Worked: approxVB 750 DK LV wwwhammelde HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik GmbH Leimbacher Straße 130 | D36433 Bad Salzungen +49(0)369569910 | *approx values DRIVE* DISCHARGE BELT* SHAFTS* HOPPER* DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT* MATERIAL engine 380 PS (280KW) CAT C93 Stage 5 max torque 240000 Nm engine speed 1900 rpm fuel capacityTHE NEW GENERATION SHREDDER VB 750 DK LV HAMMEL
HAMMEL primary shredder VB 450: Applications: Wood: waste wood, demolition wood, root stems, green waste, pallets, cable drums: Waste: domestic waste, C&I waste: Technical Data* VB 450 D : VB 450 DK: VB 450 E : Version: Hooklift: Chain: Electrical: Engine: CAT C44: Cummins F38 Stage 5Drive Train: 140 PS: 140 PS: 110 KW: Weight: 8 t machine + 1 t magnet: 9 tдробилка 750 для карьера дробилка hammel 750d dk цена – Компания Зенит ГЛАВНАЯ 187 Решение горно обогатительный комбинат 187 дробилка hammel 750d dk цена дробильно Узнать большедробилка hammel 750d dk цена – Компания Зенит
Аренда и покупка шредера Hammel 750 DУничтожение Продукции, Контрафакта, Измельчение отходов, ИзмельчениеHammel VB 750 DK for sale France General grade (1 min 5 max): 5, Amount of previous owners: 2, Damaged: Operates As Intended, Working Mascus UKHammel VB 750 DK, 2009, MoiransenMontagne, France Mascus
Hammel 750 D/DK Modell 2013http://wwwkieselused/ presentsHammel VB 750 D Shredder Vorführung, TestHammel VB 750 D Shredder demonstrationHammel VB 750 D Shredder
HAMMEL 750 D DK Modell 2013 Дробилка HAMMEL VB 450 2 A HAMMEL VB 950 Red Giant a trituradora de grande porte para os materiais mais complexos e de difcil triturao O sistema de reverso dos eixos garDetails Price Info via мобильное дробильное оборудование щебня бу дробилка Первичный Измельчитель шредер Hammel VbHAMMEL Vorbrecher 750: Einsatzgebiet: Holz: Altholz, Bau & Abbruchholz, Wurzelstöcke, Grünschnitt, Bahnschwellen, Paletten, Kabeltrommeln: Müll: HausmüllHAMMEL Recyclingtechnik GmbH Vorbrecher
HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik GmbH Primary Shredders HAMMEL primary shredder 750: Applications: Wood: waste wood, demolition wood, root stems, green waste, railway sleeper, pallets, cable drums: Waste: domestic waste, CVB 750 DK # 1107 extra power VB 750 D # 1069 Built: April / 2019 Worked: approx 650 hours Engine: CAT C93 Stage 5: Power: approx 280Exclusive dealers for world renowned OEM brands; Haas and Rubblemaster Our well established manufacturers specialise in mobile and stationary Crushers, Screeners, Trommels, Shredders and Recycling Systems for the Material Processing industries Also we supply a full range of Access platforms, scissor lifts and hoistsHammel 750 DK Tracked Shredder Trade Balers
hammel 750 dk for Sale Inventory from John Deere, Kubota, New Holland, Mahindra, Bobcat See more on Machinery MarketplaceIn 2021 HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik GmbH launches a new generation of shredders: the HAMMEL primary shredder type VB 750 DK “Long Version”, which is the successor of the bestseller shredder type VB 750 DK The machine is characterized by the modified shredding unit with 2meterlong shredding shafts Bulky and largevolume material such as clamping platesVB 750 HAMMEL Primary Shredder Environmental XPRT
Search for used hammel 750 d Find Hammel for sale on Machinio10/02/2018· HAMMEL VB 750 DK special edition 2013 2 Pages HAMMELprébroyeur type VB 950 DK RED GIANT 2 Pages MMA 1400 E 8 Pages NZS 700 D/E NZS 1000 DK/E 2 Pages HAMMEL metal processing plants 8 Pages HAMMEL HEM 1250 DK / MD / E 2 Pages HAMMEL VB 650 D / DK 2 Pages HAMMELbroyeur hammel vb 750 d pensionmarisonline
750 D/DK 350 hp 750 E 260 kW 850 D/DK 480 hp 850 E 320 kW 950 DK 710 hp 950 E 500 kW The HAMMEL primary shredder processes extremely difficult materials like waste wood, railway sleepers, root stems, green waste, industrial and bulky waste, paper rolls, tyres and car bodies, etc Due to its robust and clear construction the HAMMEL shredder is reliable for volumeдробилка hammel 750d dk цена Добыча машина дробилка hammel 750d dk где купить шредер в Омск ARJES VZ 750 D Продаем шредер Hammel VB 750 DK Купить «Баггер» предлагает б/у Мобильная дробилка RusListОборудование для переработки и утилизациикупить дробилку hammel 750d dk по утилизации каменная
HAMMEL VB 650 D / DK Material / material / waste wood / construction & demolition wood / cable drums Eisenbahnschwellen (ohne Platten) / railway sleepers (without plates) Telefonmasten / telephone poles / root stems / green waste leichter Hausmüll / slight domestic waste leichter Industriemüll / slight industrial waste leichter Spermüll / slight bulky waste Technische Daten /Bondioli & Pavesi Gearbox for Hammel 750 / 950 NEW Manufacturer: Hammel; Refurbished gearbox for Hammel 950 among othersThis gearbox comes with 1 year or 2000 hour warranty In stock at the moment! For Sale! Hammel VB 950 DK Gearbox refurbished Hammel gearbox new Repair and refurbisBarneveld, Netherlands Click to Request Price Trusted Seller 2015Used Hammel 950 for sale Hammel equipment & more | Machinio
Hammel VB 750 (New) D/DK/E Shredder In by May 1, 2018 Hammel VB 750 (New) D/DK/E Shredder Overview Details Contact Us Hydraulic recycling machine with 2 slow running tool shafts Available in 3 models: D (wheeled), DK (tracked), and E Suitable for Wood (Old wood, construction & demolition wood, rhizomes, green waste, pallets, cable drums) or RubbishЭксплуатационные характеристики hammel vb 750 d Размер загружаемого материала: РазмерHAMMEL VB 750 D Дробилки (HAMEL VB 750 D HAMMEL VB 750 D VB 750 D
Hammel 750d For Parts Condition is "For parts or not working" Sadly our shredder had an electrical fire on the engine it was not a hot fire it was only the battery lead and set wires on fire Most of the machine was undamaged but with wiring damages its not worth repairing used hammel 750 shredders used hammel 750 shredder for sale Crusher South Africa hammelHammel VB 650 DK Shredder Hammel VB 650 DK SN 1058 Approx Hrs: 700 Hammel VB 650 D SN 1078 Approx Hrs: 150 Hammel VB 650 E Shredder Hammel VB 750 D SN 110/546 Approx Hrs: 8000 Hammel VB 750 D SN 1069 Approx Hrs: 550 Hammel VB 750 DK SN 183 Approx Hrs: 4708 Hammel VB 750 DK SN 1087 Approx Hrs: 150 Hammel VB 750 DKused hammel 750 shredders autolavfr
10/02/2018· HAMMEL VB 750 DK special edition 2013 2 Pages HAMMELprébroyeur type VB 950 DK RED GIANT 2 Pages MMA 1400 E 8 Pages NZS 700 D/E NZS 1000 DK/E 2 Pages HAMMEL metal processing plants 8 Pages HAMMEL HEM 1250 DK / MD / E 2 Pages HAMMEL VB 650 D / DK 2 Pages HAMMEL4953 used Hammel vb 850 dk from certified dealers from the leading platform for used machin , 2rbwq3 Hammel VB 750 D, on hook lift frame, approx 1700 hours, condition very good SolidNmeter Cffb03ts mzkkbgikczvq more 6 Hammel Shafts and side combs Hammel 650/750/850Primary Shredder Diesel / Electric Saber más Type 450/650/750/850/950hammel vb 750 d usado kiekjesuutgrunnennl
Hammel shredders are capable of taking on the toughest shredding jobs in the world All Hammel mobile shredders are capable of handling various shredding tasks with the larger units (VB 850 and up) being able to handle full vehicles with ease The Hammel primary shredder line includes tracked and wheeled shredders from the VB 450 all the way up to the VB 1500, the25 anni HAMMEL Italiano English (UK) Deutsch Español Pусский Français Polskie Used machines HEM 400 D # 113 Built: October / 2017 HZ 52 # 35 Built: August /HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik GmbH VB 650 D # 1106
HAMMEL VB 450 D / DK 2 Pages Add to favorites {{requestButtons}} Catalog excerpts Primary Shredder Open the catalog to page 1 klein – kompakt – perfekt small – compact – perfect HAMMEL VB 450 D / DK Material / material / waste wood / mixed wood / cable drums / root stems* / green waste leichter Hausmüll / slight domestic waste leichter Industriemüll / slightHammel Furniture A/S, dansk producent med produktion i Danmark Producerer bla den velkendte MISTRAL reolserie × + 45 89 63 15 77 Samlevejledninger ENGLISH DANSK DEUTSCH Toggle navigation Produkter EDGE by Hammel; FINDAHL by Hammel; MISTRAL; MISTRAL AV; MISTRAL KUBUS; Sofaborde;Hammel Furniture Hammel Møbelfabrik A/S